The e-commerce market is massive, reaching $8.8 trillion in 2020 and is expected to hit $18.8 trillion by 2029. This incredible growth is driving businesses to invest in apps like Haraj. Online platforms are super handy and efficient for buyers and sellers alike. With more folks shopping online, entrepreneurs and companies realize there’s much opportunity in building apps like these.

However, developing an app like Haraj goes beyond creating a digital marketplace. It is about understanding the online trading landscape. These platforms connect different buyers and sellers, creating a thriving economic ecosystem.

If you’re a business looking to start a similar project, your biggest worry will probably be the cost of building the app. This blog will discuss the costs of creating an app like Haraj in 2024. So, let us dive in!

What is the Haraj App?

Haraj is a Saudi Arabian app that allows people to buy and sell all sorts of new and used items—from cars and electronics to furniture and clothes. In the past few years, it has become popular in Saudi Arabia because it has a large user base and is easy to use. The app helps businesses and individuals connect for buying and selling. Users can create accounts, post listings, chat with sellers or buyers, and negotiate prices through the platform.

What Are The Factors Affecting The Haraj-like App Development Cost?

Developing a successful online marketplace app like Haraj requires careful planning and consideration of various factors. Here are the prime factors that can impact your budget while on-demand marketplace app development:

Factors Affecting the Cost to Build an Online Marketplace Like Haraj

1. Feature Complexity

The number and intricacy of the features you incorporate directly affect the development cost. An essential app with functionalities like product listings, messaging, and search will be less expensive. On the other hand, advanced features like in-app auctions, secure payment gateways, or integrated shipping solutions increase the app development price.

2. Development Team Expertise

The experience and location of your chosen development team play a crucial role in determining the cost. Here are the different options you can consider, each with varying cost implications:

  • Freelance Services: Hiring freelance developers can be cost-effective, especially if you find skilled individuals with competitive hourly rates in your region. However, managing multiple freelancers and ensuring project consistency might require additional effort.
  • In-House Development Team: Building an in-house team gives you complete control over the development process. However, this approach requires significant investment and the provision of experienced developers with the necessary tools and infrastructure along with a salary.
  • Software Development Agency: Partnering with a reputable software development company brings in their expertise and knowledge. Agencies possess the know-how to deliver solutions that meet your specific business needs. In this case, the cost will depend on their location and the complexity of your project.

3. User Interface and User Experience Design

Your marketplace app is what links you to potential customers. Hence, the design, user interface (UI), and user experience (UX) play a huge role in how engaged users are and whether they purchase. Generally, it takes about 120 to 180 hours to create a simple and easy-to-use design, but the exact time depends on the app’s complexity. This design time directly translates to development costs. Additionally, if you desire a custom design that aligns perfectly with your brand identity and business requirements, you must invest more resources in the design phase.

4. Choice of Technology Stack

Building a successful e-commerce app like Haraj depends on choosing suitable programming languages and technologies. The tech stack you choose affects how well the app performs, how easy it is to maintain, and, ultimately, how much it costs to develop. Going with popular and well-supported technologies might be cheaper in the long run because you can easily find more developers who know them. But if your project requires new or less common tech, you might need to budget for the cost of hiring developers with specialized skills.

5. Post-launch Maintenance and Support

Your online marketplace journey does not end with the app launch. It requires continuous maintenance, updates, and customer support to keep your platform secure, current, and tuned to user needs. These ongoing expenses are necessary to fix bugs and security issues, add new features, and stay competitive in the market.

How Much Does it Cost To Develop A Haraj-like Marketplace App?

The cost to build a marketplace app can vary depending on its complexity. Here’s a breakdown of the typical cost ranges for marketplace apps with different complexities:

  • Simple app: $20,000-$40,000
  • Medium app: $40,000-$60,000
  • Advanced app: $60,000-$100,000 or more

The overall cost to develop an app like Haraj can vary from $30,000 to $300,000 based on the project needs after assessing the client’s vision and requirements.

Wrapping Up!

Online marketplace apps offer a compelling option for businesses, particularly those just starting or looking to explore new markets. They offer access to a pre-existing customer base and a user-friendly interface and often integrate reliable payment processing tools. Thus, this model is particularly attractive for smaller companies with limited marketing budgets.

So, if you plan to take your business to newer heights with an app like Haraj, this is the perfect time. You can connect with a reputed online marketplace app development company in the USA, like ZimbleCode. Our dedication to excellence ensures projects deliver exceptional value, prioritizing user experience while remaining scalable for future success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How do you build a buy and selling platform like Haraj?

Using the latest technologies to create a scalable app with a seamless user experience is essential. It will allow you to develop feature-rich, secure, and user-friendly platforms customized to specific requirements.

Q2. How long does it take to develop an app like Haraj?

The timeline for developing an app similar to Haraj can vary from 6 to 12+ months, based on the project scope, complexity, and requirements.