As an integral part of our lives social media has become an excellent platform to flaunt any brand’s presence in the market. Discover your target audience by thorough research of various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn etc. A strong social media presence can expose your brand to a lot of consumers with minimum resources.

Apart from exhibiting your brand presence, social media platforms can also help you to find out what the consumers are thinking about your brand, and accordingly you can plan your marketing strategy to create a positive impact of your brand among the consumers. Among the other social media platforms Instagram happens to be the most popular one amongst several brands for its capability to create a positive impact on the marketing of the brand’s product. It creates an emerging relationship with your consumers in the long run.

If you want to create a social media app like Instagram, then you must consider why it is popular among brands and what aspects of Instagram you should keep in mind while creating an app like it. However, to get total control of your social media handles you need to partner with a social media app development company in New York, USA to get the most out of your campaign.

Instagram Targets Mobile Users

Studies reveal that people with smartphones spend 85% of their time using apps in smartphones. This growing acceptance is the reason for social media’s popularity among mobile users. As a mobile-based social media platform Instagram is widely preferable among many brands.
Instagram allows people to use the mobile’s feature to interact with the social network. It is more accessible for the users as long as it is connected to the internet. As more and more users switch to smartphones, the potential of social media platforms like Instagram will keep growing to engage consumers.

Instagram Increase Reach

Instagram can reach to over billions of active users. Now, some may argue about using Facebook instead of Instagram as it can also reach billions of people at the same time. However, Instagram is more popular as it has less competition than Facebook and people on Instagram are more likely to view and share your content than on Facebook. So, the chances are higher for getting success in the marketing strategy if using Instagram.

Brands can extend their reach by collaborating with sponsorships and partnerships. As a consequence, brands are able to provide value to existing followers and reach new audiences as well. You can create polls on Instagram, tag people and ask questions in Instagram stories and posts to generate buzz online and boost your Instagram reach. Instagram takes less time to create business posts but you must include hashtags in your posts to increase visibility.

Sharing Visual Content is Easier

Instagram is basically a social media app to share photos and videos. Pictures are the most engaging form of content available on the web than text-based posts. Studies also show that images that are posted to Facebook via Instagram get more engagement than those posted directly on Facebook. Online marketers also prefer visual marketing over text in their marketing campaigns. So, on Instagram you can share visual contents of your products to let your customers know about your brand more than any other form of marketing.

Instagram is the ultimate tool to connect with the right audience and repeated customers. However, as people are continuously looking for unique content, your marketing campaigns should be highly creative and visually stunning to be vastly beneficial for your brand’s presence on social media platforms.

Boost Engagement Rate

To develop your brand’s popularity, user engagement is one of the key metrics. Instagram offers 58 times more user engagement than Facebook and 150 times more engagement than Twitter. People use this platform to like, share and comment on their favorite posts. So, the more likes and shares you get on your posts, the more visible would be your brand.

Therefore, creating a social media app like Instagram is considered as the ultimate marketing tools to promote any brand to a broader customer base via active followers and consumer’s attention. Instagram also helps to measure efficiency of any marketing campaign and enables real-time adjustments to it. Using hashtags and collaborating with sponsored brands would be massively beneficial to achieve your business goals via Instagram.

Keeps an Eye on Competitors

Creating a social media app like Instagram also helps you to keep an eye on the competitors and understand how they engage customers and how they interact with their followers to engage them in their brand. Knowing the competitors’ strategy is very crucial to achieve success and increase profit. To stay relevant in your niche, it is important to study the competitors and use the information for your brand’s progress.
Instagram helps to follow the best practices in the industry that defines your exclusive marketing strategy. Instagram enables you to compare among the existing competition in your industry and identify the latest trends, learn new business tricks, avoid mistakes and come up with exceptional ideas to promote your brand online.


Therefore, embracing Instagram into your online marketing strategy is very essential for any brand to endorse its products or services to a greater range of customers. Instagram provides a lot of space to establish your brand’s presence when it comes to create awareness and engage target audiences.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to create a social media app like Instagram, but it is very important to partner with an experienced and expert social media app development company in New York, USA. It will help you to stay ahead in the competition if you are looking to expand your brand’s visibility to a greater audience and generate growth.

Related Article – Benefits of Developing a Social Media App like Instagram for Your Business