Do people prefer using a mobile application for their health-related issues?

The deadly wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has made people averse to step out of their homes and go to the hospitals for consulting doctors. That’s why they now prefer the tech-savvy way of approaching doctors and have become reliant on various mobile applications for solving their health-related issues. Therefore, the online healthcare industry has become a new investment opportunity for many ambitious entrepreneurs in post-2020.

As per a report by Statistica, the global mHealth business has seen a fivefold growth making it a 100 billion dollar industry in 2021. The online health industry in the USA held just a $6.7 billion market share in 2012, which increased to $21 billion in 2016 and $25.39 billion in 2017. However, by the end of 2020, the mHealth business has seen substantial growth by acquiring a market share of $58.8 billion as compared to $33.59 billion in 2018.
Did you know?

In the US, the healthcare industry contributes to one-third of the overall GDP; yet it lacks in providing exceptional healthcare services. This implies that people are spending more money than the quality of health services provided to them.
Can we resolve this issue?

The answer is YES. A top healthcare app development company can help you in resolving this issue with a few of the best mHealth applications ideas. These are as follows:

1. Diet Planner App with AI-based Personal Training

COVID-19 has brought a very sedentary lifestyle into everyone’s life. People now want to get back into shape and focus on holistic living. This can be achieved either by dieting or by training. As per Polaris Market research, the global fitness app market predicts growth of becoming a $14.7 billion industry by 2026. Through your app, you can build a platform where people can track personal diet plans, research various available diet plans, and talk to dietitians. This app can also have an added feature of AI-based training, which will help users save money on buying expensive gym memberships. In addition, they can hire a personal trainer through the app and can achieve their fitness goals.

2. Medical Record App with On-Demand Expert Help

This app will be a journal where users can keep a record of their personal medical history. This record-keeping will allow the patients to compile their previous and ongoing treatments, doctor’s prescriptions, medical tests, and other health-related details like blood group, allergies, diabetes, blood pressure, etc., in one place. This app can be very beneficial in emergencies as the doctor can quickly go through the patients’ records and start appropriate treatment without wasting time. You can also add a separate section of on-demand assistance where people can virtually connect with a healthcare specialist as per their profile, rating, and reviews.

3. Medicine Reminder App with Personal Health Goals and Water Intake

This application can remind the users to take medicines, especially for senior citizens, as it gets hard for them to track the multiple drugs prescribed to them. You can help them set medicine reminders with the app, monitor pill intake, and particular medicine dosage. This app can also have water intake reminders, track personal health goals, and schedule doctor appointments as additional features. The best healthcare app development company in Austin can help you develop a medicine reminder app to serve your audience.

4. Mental Health App with Guided Meditation

The hectic and deskbound lifestyle due to the lockdown has made people face many mental health issues like lack of sleep, depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, fear, isolation, and more. Every year 16 million individuals in the USA suffer from mental health issues that are increasing every day. Hence, you can create a mobile application for those who are suffering from such psychological illness. Apart from professional consultations, your app can also have features that can track a person’s mood and mental state and offer benefits like guided meditation, music therapy, mindfulness coach, anxiety healer, mood-boosting, and more.

5. Medicine Delivery App with Medicine Price Comparison

After the COVID-19 widespread, the demand for online pharmacy apps has increased manifold. Through this application, people can order over-the-counter and prescribed medicines. This app will also benefit the users by providing them with medicine-related information like usage, side effects, and dosage, etc. To prevent any misuse of the drugs, you can also add the ‘upload prescription’ tab as some medicines can’t be sold without a doctor’s prescription. Your app can also have a feature for price comparison as the cost of a particular drug may differ from brand to brand. This attribute will help the users to compare the prices and order the medicine with the lowest value.


Here comes an end to the best healthcare apps ideas of 2021; however, there is no end to creativity and conceptualizing. The second wave of COVID-19 has raised a huge demand for mHealth applications. So now, it’s the time for you to make the most of this opportunity and earn huge profits. If you are searching for top mobile app developers in Austin who can add multiple features and functionalities to your healthcare app, look for a leading healthcare app development company. This article will help you select the best app development company that can handle sensitive medical data and ensure its safety throughout the process.

Related Article – Benefits of Mobile Apps in the Healthcare Industry